Andy Meyers
County Commissioner Precinct 3

Suggestions & Comments on County Road Projects

In November 2023, voters approved a $712 million Mobility Bond Program.  This Link will take you to the Mobility Projects list. The list includes all county projects by Commissioner Precinct.  Scroll down to page 6 of 11 to Precinct 3 on the left side of the page for Projects in Precinct 3.  The city selected the Sugar Land Projects listed and committed an additional $60 million to these Projects. Should you wish, give us your input on them.

Commissioner Meyers has instituted a new program to rehabilitate our aging infrastructure.  To that end, he allocated $40 million of the county’s 2023 Mobility Program for that purpose. He secured commitments from the various MUDs of another $40 million.  The commitments from Sugar Land and the MUDs add $100 million to Precinct 3’s Mobility Projects, bringing the total to $242 million and the Total Bond Program to $812 million.

Since you drive on the roads in your neighborhood daily, you know which ones need rehabilitation the most; therefore, we would like your input on prioritizing these roads.

Please list the roads you believe are the highest priority for rehabilitation, including the road limits from beginning point or intersection to ending point or intersection.  Please provide your name and address so we can identify your location, and your cell number, and email address should you want updates on these roads and other issues.

Submit Your Feedback

Suggestions & Comments on County Road Projects


Road Project Suggestions

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